The University of California, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy,1 physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services.2 The University prohibits sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in University programs and activities.
Students who believe they have been discriminated against on the above grounds may contact the UCLA Civil Rights Office at https://equity.ucla.edu/civil-rights/
Inquiries regarding the University's equal opportunity policies may be directed to the Office of Campus Counsel, 3149 Murphy Hall, (310) 206-6985.
Inquiries regarding Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or 504 Compliance may be directed to the ADA & 504 Compliance Office at: https://equity.ucla.edu/civil-rights/ada-504/, (310) 825-3935 (Phone). A staff member in Office of the Dean of Students can also assist students with the steps for filing a grievance grievance@saonet.ucla.ed (Email), 1104 Murphy Hall, (310) 825-3894 (Phone), (310) 825-8616 (FAX)
Title IX prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX may be directed to the Title IX Director in the Title IX Office/Sexual Harassment Prevention /, 2241 Murphy Hall, (310) 206-3417, titleix@conet.ucla.edu, or the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html; OCR@ed.gov.
- Pregnancy includes pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth.
- Service in the uniformed services includes membership, application for membership, performance of service, application for service, or obligation for service in the uniformed services.
Sexual Misconduct
UCLA will not tolerate sexual violence or sexual misconduct. The University will respond promptly and effectively to reports of sexual violence and sexual misconduct.
Take care of your safety and health needs.
Get medical attention. Contact the Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center at (310) 319-4000 for free emergency medical treatment and counseling services. The UC Police Department will provide transportation to the Santa Monica Hospital Emergency Room for emergency medical treatment and evidence collection. A counselor from the Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center will be available at the time, free of charge.
Contact the police. Call the UC Police Department at (310) 825-1491 or 911.
Utilize Campus and Community Support services.
Contact a CARE Advocate. The CARE: Advocacy Office for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Misconduct can provide confidential emotional support, provide counseling referrals within UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services (“CAPS”), connect you with medical care if needed, explain your options for filing a report, help you understand your legal rights, and facilitate housing needs, academic adjustments, and other accommodations. For confidential advocacy, support, and counseling, contact CARE at CAPS, Wooden Center West, (310) 825-0768. CARE at CAPS is available by phone 24 hours a day.
Report sexual violence to the Title IX Coordinator in the Title IX Office/Sexual Harassment Prevention/, 2241 Murphy Hall, (310) 206-3417, titleix@conet.ucla.edu.
Disclosure of Records
Pursuant to the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the California Education Code, and the "University of California Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records," students at UCLA have the right:
- To inspect and review records pertaining to themselves in their capacity as students, except as the right may be waived or qualified under the Federal and State laws and the University Policies;
- To have withheld from disclosure, absent their prior consent for release, personally identifiable information from their student records, except as provided by the Federal and State laws and the University Policies;
- To inspect records maintained by UCLA for disclosures of personally identifiable information from their student records;
- To seek correction of their student records through a request to amend the records or, if such request is denied, through a hearing; and
- To file complaints with the United States Department of Education regarding alleged violations of the rights accorded them by the Federal Act.
For More information regarding this notice, or any OFFICIAL NOTICE or policy, you may contact the Office of the Dean of Students in 1206 Murphy Hall.
Religion and Exams
In compliance with Section 92640(a) of the California Education Code, the University must accommodate requests for alternate examination dates at a time when that activity would not violate a student's religious creed.
At UCLA, accommodation for alternate examination dates should be worked out directly between the student and the faculty member involved.
General Guidelines:
Students should make such requests of the instructor during the first two weeks of the quarter, or as soon as possible after an examination date is announced by the instructor.
Students unable to reach a satisfactory arrangement with their instructor should contact the Campus Ombuds or the Office of the Dean of Students.
Instructors who have questions, or who wish to verify the nature of the religious event or practice involved, should contact the Campus Ombuds Office or the Office of the Dean of Students.
Religious Holidays and Move-in Days
See the UC Policy for Addressing Religious Holiday Conflicts with Residence Hall "Move-in" days for more information.
Copyright Infringement
Students cited for copyright infringement are subject to sanctions under the UCLA Student Conduct Code, Section 102.05, Computers: "Abuses include, but are not limited to ... violations of copyright laws, whether by theft, unauthorized sharing or other misuse of copyrighted materials such as songs, movies, software, photos or text."
Students are also subject to penalties if prosecuted in Federal court.
Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.
Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or "statutory" damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For "willful" infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys' fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.
Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.
Guidance on Student Grievance Procedure for Disability Related Concerns
Faculty, Staff, and Students:
In October, I wrote to inform the Campus Community that UCLA had adopted Procedure 230.2, for Student Grievances Regarding Violations of Anti-Discrimination Laws or University Policies on Discrimination on Basis of Disability. This procedure applies to grievances by students alleging disability-based discrimination by the University, as well as grievances alleging that the University failed to take appropriate steps to investigate disability discrimination, and to grievances by students alleging disability-based discriminatory conduct by students or non-affiliates where the alleged offending behavior occurred in University programs or activities.
We have now issued an accompanying Guidance Document as Attachment B to Procedure 230.2, which is available at http://www.adminpolicies.ucla.edu/APP/Attachment?fileName=230-2-B.This document is designed to assist administrators and staff involved in responding to disability-based discrimination grievances filed by students pursuant to UCLA Procedure 230.2. It outlines the steps of the grievance process and communicates the roles and responsibilities of the administrators and staff involved in the process.
Formal training on the new procedure will be provided starting in Winter 2017.Inquiries regarding the University’s student-related nondiscrimination policies and procedures may be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students at 1104 Murphy Hall, by phone at (310) 825-3871, or by e-mail at dean@saonet.ucla.edu. A staff member in the Office of the Dean of Students is available to assist students who need information or assistance in filing a discrimination complaint.
The ADA & 504 Compliance Office is available to the campus community. The Compliance Office, which serves students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors, coordinates and monitors campus compliance with the requirements of both Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Additionally, the office develops procedures to identify and correct access deficiencies and provides guidance to improve access to campus facilities and programs for individuals with disabilities. For more information, please visit the ADA & 504 Compliance Office website or contact the office by phone at (310) 794-4146, or by e-mail at ada@saonet.ucla.edu.
UCLA is committed to prohibiting disability-based discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, performing a prompt and equitable investigation of grievances alleging discrimination, and properly remedying it when it occurs. Please read the Notice of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability for greater details. We are committed in our support and service to students and our community.
Monroe Gorden, Jr., J.D.
Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs