Signing Up For Workshops
To register for any workshop, log in to MyUCLA (my.ucla.edu). Select Campus Life from the top menu and then select the Event Reservations under Calendar . This will take you to another webpage, where you will select either Residential Life or Dean of Students from the Group menu to select the desired workshop. The next page will list all the workshops you are eligible to enroll. Click the workshop you are interested in attending, followed by the Reserve button. Please make note of which workshop you have enrolled in and show up on time.
Alcohol & Drug Related Workshops
Through interactive exercises and discussions, attendees should learn how to clarify their values and evaluate and improve their decision-making processes.
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Avoiding Plagiarism Workshops
Through interactive exercises and discussions, attendees should learn how to clarify their values and evaluate and improve their decision-making processes.
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Decision-Making Workshop
To register for a Decision Making Workshop, log in to MyUCLA (my.ucla.edu). Select Campus Life from the top menu and then select the Event Reservations under Calendar . Select Residential Life from the Group menu to select the desired workshop. The next page will list all the workshops you are eligible to enroll. Click the workshop you are interested in attending, followed by the Reserve button. Please make note of which workshop you have enrolled in and show up on time.
Through interactive exercises and discussions, attendees should learn how to clarify their values and evaluate and improve their decision-making processes.
Dates have not been determined at this time.