The Office of the Dean of Students provides services that...Our office helps students to...
If your student is interacting with the DOS office, you should contact our office to...
Parents are often confused and concerned when they discover that their son or daughter is charged with violating University policy. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects student privacy and requires that our Office maintain strict confidentiality when discussing student disciplinary files. Our Office encourages students to discuss their discipline case with their parents, and parents are encouraged to speak with their student before contacting our Office. Our staff members are available to discuss the student disciplinary process at UCLA with parents who may have concerns. You may also find the UCLA Student Conduct Code useful in answering questions regarding the student discipline process at UCLA.
If you have questions or concerns about the university in general, the best place to start is the Office of Parent and Family Programs. This office serves as a one-stop resource for parents and families. You can contact them by calling (310) 794-6737 or mybruinis@ucla.edu.