Students gather around bear statue.

Student Conduct Code

UCLA students are proud to be members of this community. They take pride in the reputation of our faculty; they take pride in our unparalleled programs and services; they take pride in the wealth of diversity of our community members; and they take pride in our beautiful campus. Intertwined with our core values, Bruin Pride is at the very heart of what it means to be a TRUE BRUIN. Bruins are committed to the values of Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, Respect and Service. Bruins conduct themselves with integrity and understand that the quality of their educational experience is predicated on the quality of their academic work and service to the community Bruins hold themselves accountable to the commitments they make and for their conduct. When faced with adversity, Bruins engage in thoughtful reflection and exhibit superior ethical decision-making skills. They respect the rights and dignity of all members of our community by listening attentively, communicating clearly, and remaining open to understanding others and their diverse points of view. Bruins embrace these values, for these are the values of a TRUE BRUIN.

Student Conduct Process

You have been referred to the Office of Student Conduct, now what? At UCLA, we hold our students in high regard and trust they want to be held accountable for personal behavior and afforded an opportunity to grow after making poor decisions. The Student Conduct Process is intended to facilitate this value. We understand and respect that students have many rights in the Student Conduct Process, and that a referral to the Office of Student Conduct is not a guarantee that a violation of the Student Conduct Code has occurred. The administrative review conducted by the Office of Student Conduct, is designed to resolve allegations of misconduct by students.

If you would like another party to be present at any meeting regarding your case, please fill out the Consent Form.

If you would like a copy of your file please fill out the Request for Copy of Disciplinary File.

Further Questions

For any unanswered questions regarding the Student Conduct Process, please read through our FAQ. If you have further questions, please contact our office via e-mail,, or by phone, (310) 825-3871.

Related Documents

Below are relevant policies to student life at UCLA:

We strongly believe that every student respects the UCLA community and as a result join us in preserving the integrity of the community. In order to do so, there are a number of UCLA and University of California Policies which apply to students. They include policies about behavioral expectations, due process, student rights, confidentiality and participation in governance.