Faculty members who encounter cases of cheating or plagiarism are advised to report the concern to the Office of Student Conduct. To formally report a case to the Office of Student Conduct, please complete the public incident reporting form found at https://deanofstudents.ucla.edu/incident-report. Via the form you will be able to provide the following:
- Summary of the Concern
- Student Name and UID
- Course and Quarter
We ask that you attach the following:
- Assignment of concern
- Any relevant documents (ie. assignment instructions, source document, BruinLearn Access records, TA statements)
- Course Syllabus
Please contact the Office of Student Conduct (825-3871) if there are any questions. Our staff can provide you with advice specific to the individual incident.
Additionally, faculty members should be aware of the following University regulations:
The Manual of the Los Angeles Division of the Academic Senate includes a number of regulations regarding examinations and grading.
Regulation A-306(C) states:
The final grade in a course shall be based upon the instructor's evaluation of the student's achievement in the course. When on an examination or other work submitted by a student, the student is suspected of having engaged in plagiarism or otherwise having cheated, the suspected infractions is to be reported to the appropriate administrative officer of the University for consideration of disciplinary proceeding against the student. Until such proceeding, if any, have been completed, the grade DR (deferred report) shall be assigned for that course. (See A-315) If in such disciplinary proceedings it is determined that the student did engage in plagiarism or other wise cheat, the administrative officer, in addition to imposing any discipline, shall report back to the instructor of the course involved, the nature of the plagiarism or cheating. In light of that report, the instructor may replace the grade DR with a final grade that reflects an evaluation of that which may fairly be designated as the student's own achievement in the course as distinguished from any achievement that resulted from plagiarism or cheating.
Regulation A-315. The DR Grade states:
The grade DR (deferred report) shall be entered on the student's record: a) when to the faculty member's knowledge, the student's work in the course is complete, but the faculty member is not able to assign a grade, or: b) when disciplinary proceeding are in progress according to the provision of A-306 (C). The DR shall not itself be calculated in any way in the student's grade-point average. The DR shall be changed to a grade, or perhaps to an Incomplete, only when the Registrar receives a written request from the instructor which indicates that the student has clarified the situation.
The report of the grade DR must be accompanied by a letter from the instructor to the Dean of the school or college, and to the student stating the basis for that action. For students enrolled in a course approved by the Graduate Council, the Dean of the Graduate Division is the dean of record. For students in a course approved by any undergraduate course committee, the dean of record is the dean of the college or school in which the course is offered. The Dean shall establish a date or a specific circumstance terminating the period of the Deferral of Report and inform the Registrar, the instructor and the student. Unless changed by the instructor as specified in the preceding paragraph, the DR shall then automatically become F. [variance to SR 780.]
Also, please review our sample cover letters.