I will be reporting a case of cheating
Office of Student Conduct
1206 Murphy Hall
Mail Code: 141501
Dear Dean [ ]:
It has come to my attention that a student cheated on a [course title] exam administered on [date]. The student involved is [name] [student ID #].
On [date], I administered the [course title] exam. The proctor for the exam, [name], noticed one student, [name of student], looking at another student's paper, [name of other student]. We did not interrupt the exam, but noted the seating pattern (see enclosed), and compared the two exams afterwards. Twenty-five of the 27 answers are identical, including short answers that are incorrect, and spelling errors. I have enclosed copies of both exams. We then compared the two exams to the rest of the exams and found that no one else in the course had made some of the errors which appeared on both of these papers.
I called [name] in to see me once we suspected the violation, and he/she denied copying anything. I informed him/her that I would assign a temporary grade of DR and was referring the matter to your office for resolution.
Should you need to contact me, I can be reached at...
I will be reporting a case of plagiarism
Dean of Students
1206 Murphy Hall
Mail Code: 141501
Dear Dean [ ]:
Enclosed you will find a term paper which was turned in as a class assignment for [course title], [academic quarter], by [student's name]. The work struck me as being unlike the student's earlier papers, and portions of the research sounded familiar. I did some checking and discovered that the majority of the paper is lifted directly from [source] without attribution. I have included the source, and have marked sample passages on the term paper with their corresponding pages in the source. I have also included a copy of the syllabus with my instructions on plagiarism, and a copy of the assignment.
I did meet with the student on [date], and he/she stated that she did copy the paper, but that s/he had been ill and was unable to complete the assignment on his/her own. He/she appeared genuinely contrite, but it seemed clear that he/she knew he/she should have given credit to the original author. According to your instructions, I have assigned the student a grade of DR and am referring the incident to your office.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.